OWASP JUICE SHOP walkthrough: Part-1

OWASP Juice Shop Installation.

Raj Upadhyay
2 min readOct 5, 2020

Let’s First install OWASP Juice Shop

  1. We will see How to deploy it in HEROKU
  2. Using Doker: we will install OWASP Juice-Shop in KALI Linux.

How To Deploy OWASP Juice Shop on Heroku

So let’s see what steps we need to follow.

  1. First, create an account on the Heroku website.

Link: https://signup.heroku.com/

Create your free account by giving all the above details and now let’s move to the next step.

2. Let’s open the following link.

Link: https://elements.heroku.com/buttons/bkimminich/juice-shop

It will look like this,

Now let’s scroll down until we found the Heroku installation step-like this.

So now click on the following button.

So it will redirect you to the Heroku website. You will see the following screen.

So now just give “App name” something like “owaspjuiceshoptesting” or anything else.

Once you see “App name” available now just click on the Deploy app.

You will see the following screen.

It will take time to complete the deployment.

Once it’s ready just open the link like:


Your juice shop is ready.

Using Doker: we will install OWASP Juice-Shop in KALI Linux

Watch the following video to install OWASP Juice-Shop in Kali Linux using Doker.

Thank you.

In the next article, we will learn about “HTML Injection”



Raj Upadhyay
Raj Upadhyay

Written by Raj Upadhyay

DFIR Consultant || #LoveToPlayCTF #infosec #cybersecurity #4n6

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