The Cyber Grabs CTF Write-up
Recently I participated in thecybergrabs CTF.
So let’s see how I was able to solve a few challenges.
So we have one JPG file. So first thought comes to my mind was to see the image metadata. So I used online metadata and EXIF viewer. (
So let’s open the given text file
So as we can see in the in-text file we have ‘$’ and ‘@’ symbols. So first thought that comes into my mind is to convert this ‘@’ to ‘0’ and ‘$’ to ‘1’
so now ciphertext looks like this:
So now I converted this binary to ‘HEX’ formate which looks like this:
So next step was to convert HEX into ASCII
Easiest One
So it’s wav file. So listen to it and as soon as I started audio I know it’s Morse Code. So I used the online website to decode Morse-code. (
Flag: cybergrabs{1S TH1S A M0RS3 C0D3?}
Thanks for reading.